Sunday, May 17, 2009

Was it worth it?

Has everything you've done up till now been worth it?
The emotion, the physical pain, the cost... WAS IT ALL WORTH IT?
Just to see a smile... to see a hint of a smile... What have you been doing all this time? Have you made a difference at all? How you seem pathetic at this moment, think about what this has defined you as. What are you waiting for? There's nothing there, clearly you can see that right?

"Its like a dream, a dream that I can never wake up from. Before I realized it, that dream ended."

What the hell is wrong with you? Just let go already, quit wasting your time.
- Is it really a waste of time?
What do you think? All comes down to what everything was worth.
- I chose to become sacrificial... I chose to sacrifice what I have just to see that smile, to see happiness.
Stupid is what you are. Nothing but failures ever result in your selfish actions. Just give it up you idiot. Damn you're pathetic. How could you ever face yourself?
- I can't... but then again I do it because I choose to.
Just stop wasting yourself... its not worth it. You're not worth it. You're literally fighting for nothing... nothing at all. You make me laugh, what sidelines are you talking about? There were never any sidelines to begin with. Go ahead, continue wandering this world with your head in the clouds. That's what all your dreams will be, clouds, they will never be down to earth. You think what you're doing is noble and what is good, but you're just being a hypocrite. You preach things that you've never done for yourself. You're a liar. How dare you bring us down to such a level? How low do you plan to bring us down? Just stop it already, enough is enough, I'm sure a point has already been reached, the line has been crossed. Just pathetic... all I can say is that you're pathetic.

Fix yourself already, no one can do it for you, no one can give you validation but yourself. Stop seeking for someone elses validation. It will never work.
Break away why don't you? Why do you force yourself to be where you're at? You have so much potential, so much worth. People can see that, yet you don't. You know you have that potential, but you believe it isn't true all because of.....
- That's just how I am, I don't allow myself to see the best in me, rather I see the worse in myself. I'm never good enough, I can never be good enough, despite all my efforts.

You wonder why you fail... well, here are all the answers, or could it be just a fraction of your messed up world? You sicken me, grow up already. Stop acting like a child. You need to get over yourself. I'm tired, just leave me alone already, deal with your mistakes by yourself. Stop involving me...

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