Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Watching Leaves

Apparently when the leaves change color that's a signal that the season of fall is arriving or has already come. These pass weeks of my life have been going by so fast. There no longer seems to be a slow down button of some sort. It doesn't seem that I can smell the roses any more. What happened to the times when we complained that the days were going by so slow? I suppose they've been replaced by complaints of "where the hell did the week go?"
The human's sense of time is quite an incredible thing. When we are young things seem to go by so slow and that nothing would ever change. A decade or two later we realize how much little time we have, and then we end up seeing the days fly by. If only we were masters of time like Hiro Nakamura, maybe then we'd have enough time to do and say the things we wished to, to be able to fix the wrongs we've committed in the past, to undo the wrong doings.
This quarter I've registered for a philosophy class, described theme as "the soul and the world." Quite the interesting class, so many insights that have been brought to light, thanks to a wonderful professor named MaryLou. Through reading Socrates' first and second speech of love, my has my view of my own life changed. Perhaps this is the change that's been happening with me, who knows. As of late, my mind has been flooded with so many different thoughts that I can't seem to keep up. So many questions that have no answers. One thing that has struck me philosophy class has been the notion of finding the truth. "Truth is not the enemy," it could just be something that we don't want to know, but in reality our souls are aiming for that that truth.
This may not make sense at all. I suppose I'm still trying to figure out what the true me is like. I know I am far off from what Socrates says is the Soul of Temperance, if anything at all, I am that of the Wantonness Soul.
I suppose I've lost my true goal in life amidst all the chaos that is around me. Living in an image of a perfect world. What ever happened to myself? Have all the temptations of life overwhelmed me so much that I have forgotten my aim? Maybe time will tell, when all the world comes to an end for myself.

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