Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So Far,

Things seem to be going well, I guess. Well enough that life doesn't seem so bad at this point. Just the normal bumps in the road, nothing too serious I guess. Just trying to get by in the world and make something out of myself worth while. Lately, in my new apartment, I've been staring out the window wondering about nothing... blankly staring out there as if I was waiting for something or something to happen. I wonder what the something is. Maybe I'm hoping for something. Oh well, life is good, only a few struggles here and there, nothing that I can't handle without some help from close people.

1 comment:

  1. life isn't too shabby right now keoni.
    got your own place, granted it is a living room, but still you have your own space.
    this summer will be interesting.
