Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Feels Good

Listening to some old and new music. Finally going to try and listen to all the songs I have.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


To accept and let go, hard things to do when easily said. Maybe watching star wars III made my eyes open a tad bit. Interesting things you learn from movies.
Its quite cold in my house, good thing I have two blankets to wrap myself in.
I fear my dog will be depressed, again, once I leave back for Seattle.
Sadly enough, it doesn't feel like Christmas.
I suppose I'm looking forward to the new year.
Just because its the new year, does it mean there has to be change?
I want a trapper's hat... so if anyone is going to get me a gift for Christmas, a trapper's hat would be awesome O_o... my head's cold.
Restless............................................ blargh!
Maybe I'll take pictures of my face starting January 1st, and everyday onward, to see how much I will change, always wanted to take on such a project.
It'd be nice to cuddle with someone you like/love in this cold season.
rawr, out-

Monday, December 21, 2009

Another Attack of Insomnia

I feel queasy and my body weak. So far this break has been nothing but negative. Only positive thing I see has been playing MW2 non-stop, but then again that's not a positive is it? I don't know what's up. Breaks always make me depressed. There's never anything to do. No one to hang out with.
My mom has repeatedly reminded me of how old I am, and the fact that I still act as if I was my 14 year old self. What does it mean to be an adult? Do I have to be serious all the time? Do I need to be working all the time? I don't understand what's so wrong with how I act. Maybe because I'm so lazy.................................................................
I just can't have what I want, and I'm too damn attached to let go. Seriously, fml.
Tell me world, is it okay to scream? Is it okay to yell out and let go of this frustration I have for myself? Would any one hear me? If they did, would they care?
The fact that my music sucks doesn't help my mood either... I guess I'm just having another music A.D.D. day.

Solution: I need to find myself some sweet lil' thing to help me cope with my sadness.
Solution: Get over myself.
Solution: Take my own advice.
Solution: Jump off a bridge? Naaah
Solution: Confront it head on while screaming, because screaming makes your stronger :) [drabonball z taught me that]
Solution: Cut the hair and lose some weight.
Solution: Be an asshole... apparently it works.

Solution: Actually wake up before the afternoon and go do something...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Bored and Sad, Never a Good Combination

That's the face I make constantly ever since break started.
Could it be the lack of social interaction (besides hanging out with Theresa, that was fun)?
The amazing amount of boredom I feel during break with nothing to worry about?
Or maybe because I'm sad about a friend that has gone away for the break?
Either way, I'm SAD......
Yesterday, bought a box of frosted sugar cookies, and so far those have been my sustainance for the past day and a half, not healthy, I'm sure.
Got an amazing surprise for my grades this past quarter.
A- in Philosophy
B- in Physics
B- in Ecology
Extremely relieved after seeing those letters, I was freaking out about physics and ecology. I suppose I pulled through in the finals. Thank the Lord, Almighty Jesus :D

Other than that, life has returned to mundane boring, something that is always present during break. *sigh*
I really need a push out the door.