Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pharyngeal Slits and Markovnikov Products

As of today, I have finished the last of my finals. How relieved I felt walking out of that stuffy classroom. Legs stretched out after 1 hour and 50 minutes of non-stop cursive explaining the synapomorphies and various other biological themes that have been beaten into our brains for the past 10 weeks. I must say, "It was indeed a lot of information for one brain to handle." Earlier in the day, around 6:30 am I wake to the melodies of my alarm clock and Search The City's "Clocks and Time Pieces" simultaneously. Realizing what importance this morning had, I rushed to take a shower and eat my bowl of Peanut Butter Crunch. Soon my knowledge of chemical reactions was tested, and for once cramming was my one saving grace. For if it wasn't for cramming, my world would be quite dreadful at this moment, but on the contrary, I do feel a sense of relief and reassurance that I tried my best... for what its worth.
After taking said final, I only had a handful of hours to study for the Biology final previously mentioned. Boy, was it a doozy.
After the festivities of burning lead and aching wrists, I was free from the clutches of academia... for now. Bidding my friends a farewell as they returned back home, I trudged on with symposium poster in arm back to my own... "living space". Despite having finished finals earlier than most people, I was a bit sad, sad in the fact that my group reveived an 85 out of 100 on our poster... despite the score we tied with 3 other groups of 3rd place (I still didn't get my prize peep).
The remainder of the day was dedicated to endless (more than a few hours) play of Street Fighter IV, where I took some names and got my ass kicked a few more times than I wanted it to be kicked. I suppose the one major highlight, that shines all else, was the amazing dinner I had. 10'' Calzone from Ti Amo... just... not even words could describe the sensation. Lack for a better word... just amazing.
Now, I lay on my bed near the window where cold air permiates through the miniscule slits. Wondering... thinking... why does my life feel so empty? Do I make it empty? Is it my want for something, or rather, someone? I wish there was someone out there... someone that God made just for me, as I was made just for her. I suppose that's how most people feel when they do not have someone special to share their lives with. I suppose it would be a sin if I were to envy people, but would it be bad if I envied them for the love they have?
After all... "Love is always patient; love is always kind; love is never envious or arrogant with pride."
I suppose it isn't love if it is out of envy.
If only I were strong enough to burn, delete, and remove all traces of the memory that once was a reality. To finally let go of all the chains that bind me such feeling. To open my eyes and see the possibilities of newer and more exciting things. Being human, we are weak; and I, an especially weak human, am prone to be entangled in the past.
Why must the easiest things to say ("Just let go") be the hardest things to do?
I'll let the marinate a little more.
Just continue to dream... the endless dream...

Ingats lagi.

1 comment:

  1. so what exactly is a pharyngeal slit?
    and what is a markovnikov product?

    we have to talkkkk.
