Monday, April 13, 2009


It sucks to have intimate feelings for someone and then help them with that person's own personal love life. Giving them advice and comfort, it hurts.
I wish I could move on from it all.
I wish I was strong enough to do it.
I wish I loved myself more, maybe then I wouldn't have made such mistakes.
What is the trick to loving yourself?
I guess I don't understand it too much.
Perhaps I don't love myself because the person who I seem to love thinks of me as something that I hate most in this world... I guess that's the main reason that prohibits me from loving myself completely, after all; would someone love something that they hate?
I don't know why I am doing all of this. People tell me I'm wasting my time. I tell myself I have all the time in the world.
People say there are more fish in the sea. I say, "Sure, there are quantity, but what about the quality?" You wouldn't want tuna that tasted like crap...

I don't know, maybe this is just a fool's love. Fooling myself into thinking that maybe, just maybe if I do enough, perhaps the tables would turn.
I suppose I should take my own advice that I've been giving twice in the past 24 hours: in all relationships it takes time and space. Give it time to grow and give each other space to breathe better. Give each other that time and space so that both of you would want each other even more. Give each other just the right amount of time and space, the love will be endless and amazing.

I don't know... i do rush things a lot, I suck at relationships. I guess when I think that there might be a possibility I tend to reach my arm out too far and end up letting it slip right through by being to hasty. I guess I'm too afraid to be alone, I want to try and be with someone as fast as I can. Oh the irony.
My love life is sad because I've made it so...

Well, I hope all of you had a Happy Easter/Zombie Jesus Day.
I hope she feels better.
I hope that we may all find the one we can grow to love.
I hope that when we do, we will never let it go...

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