Friday, April 10, 2009


Are bad... they make you feel incomplete inside until you are able to satiate yourself with such pleasures. They make you dizzy, they make you want, they make you hunger for it all. Simple meditation may be able to stifle these urges, but it takes a strong mind, and a strong will to rid yourself of desires.
The elation one feels immediately after indulging into such temptation is indescribable. But like any other indulgence, a short while after you feel the sense of emptiness, a sense of loneliness. All you want afterward is more of it.
Its incredibly difficult to combat such temptations. Incredibly ironic how it is lent, fasting for 40 days or more. How was Jesus able to avoid temptation by the devil during his time of fasting? Obviously, the answer is in the bible, but being human, and one who's fallen in to sin, it is nearly impossible to defeat these temptations.
Life... is hard. It gets harder and harder as you get older and have urges for even more temptations.
I am frustrated at myself for not being strong enough. GAHHHHH. I guess the human hunger is never satiated.
I'm so dizzy, so flustered, so... uncontrolled.
I need strength, to get over this. Poops.


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