Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sleepless In Seattle

Not just a movie that I watched earlier today, but indeed I am unable to fall asleep tonight. I'm extremely tired and on the verge of collapsing anywhere, but for some odd reason I have the unconscious will to want to keep awake. I don't understand this, I suppose I want to stay up so I don't end up snoring and keep the person downstairs from going to bed. I hope she's able to fall asleep soon.
Today I watched Sleepless In Seattle all the way through, cliche in many points, overall it was an "OK" movie. Kind of got me falling asleep as well as something else distracted me from it. But it was nice watching a movie with someone for a change, rather than watching movies alone in my dorm.
Roommates this quarter don't seem to... be compatible with me, that or I've chosen not to integrate myself with the likes of them. I guess I find them a bit annoying, especially during the night when I'm in bed trying to sleep and get rest for my 8am class in the morning. This past week I've actually ended up asking them to be quiet and in once instance to "shhhhh". I try not to do this because I end up feeling bad, but I need my rest... especially for Tuesdays and Thursdays since I have all 3 classes and then 6 hours of work on top.
Currently I feel a bit hungry, or at least my stomach is telling me to put more junk food in it. Menu for today consisted of a toasted blueberry bagel with peanut butter and honey for breakfast along with a glass of milk, for lunch I enjoyed some rice, adobo, and menudo with some friends. For dinner I ended up paying $29.82 (put the change inside their donation box) for Dick's burgers/fries all around. Wasn't the smartest idea, but hey it got the job done of filling out stomachs. On top of dinner I consumed a few shots of tequila, which I believe wasn't the wisest thing to do after consuming a load of junk foods.
Time currently is 4:10 am... still awake and listening to the person downstairs click on the keyboard and listen to their music. 3 more hours and I've literally been up for an entire day (24 hours, day includes night)... which brings me to an argument that frustrates me a little. If people consider a day to be 24 hours, then how long is night time? I thought day and night were different parts of the "day". Its a bit confusing at first, but in a sense there are two definitions for "day" 1. 24 hour period, and 2. period during which the sun is still out.
Now, my only worry is that I hope that I won't disturb the person downstairs with my movements that eventually create creeks and squeeks of the week floor/carpet underneath. That, along with the loud pounding of keys as I type this blog out.
Something that I haven't done in a while... I suppose would have to be making out with someone passionately. I miss that intimate interaction when your own lips touch someone else's. The sensation is, in a sense, unworldly and I guess heavenly. If I remember, when the lips of two individuals (or more if you're into that) touch, an electrical signal is sent to the pleasure part of the brain telling the rest of the body that this sensation is good and that it feels good. So ya, making out, or kissing someone passionately is something I should do soon. Haha, I miss it I guess you could say.
Sleep seems to be finally catching up, and I guess I've nothing else to say in this blog for tonight. Hopefully I won't bother her tonight with my unnatural sounds of sleep.
Well, music is off, I guess that's my queue to cut the click and taps of keys.
Good night to you all.

1 comment:

  1. You miss the sensation of kissing someone...

    Or do you miss kissing the person you used to be with.

    Cuz kissing someone is NOT always pleasurable. Lol.
